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Foto: Anneli Rosvall
Foto: Anneli Rosvall
Foto: Anneli Rosvall
Foto: Anneli Rosvall
Foto: Anneli Rosvall
Foto: Anneli Rosvall
Foto: Anneli Rosvall
Foto: Anneli Rosvall
Foto: Anneli Rosvall
Välkommen till en värld av musikaliska
och visuella multiversum, på land och i fantasin!

Nadja Itäsaari är låtskrivare, producent, poet och multikonstnär med ankare i Göteborg. Visionen är att skapa live-upplevelser där blandningen av musik, poesi, performancekonst och rörlig bild lockar in publiken i intensiva audiovisuella landskap med humorn ständigt närvarande.

Hennes största inspirationskällor är extremväder, fågelläten, djur/natur, fantasi, konst och mänsklig psykologi. Hav och skog krockar med vardagens betonghusvyer.


Just nu är hon singelaktuell med låten Känna Igen som släpptes 12/12-2024.

Känna Igen är en låt om rädslan för att inte känna igen – men samtidigt en uppmaning till att våga känna sina känslor. Låten är en balladliknande hymn för att vagga förtryckta känslor och tillåta känslor.

















Jag tänker att det är oundvikligt att någon gång i livet, mötas av känslomässig oro och sorg. Om vi väljer att acceptera att känna vad vi verkligen känner och säga det eller sjunga det högt, kan vi  kanske en dag befinna oss i motsatsen till vad vi en gång kände. De där små eller stora ögonblicken gör en enorm skillnad för oss alla varelser i det långa loppet.

- Säger Nadja


Känna Igen är ursprungligen skriven av Nadja Itäsaari kring självupplevda känslor innan hennes nykterhet som hade sin start den 11 juni, 2020. Låten är skriven som en svensk blandning av RnB, Visa och Powerballad. Axel Olsson (Jaded Jane) fick uppdraget 2023 att skriva piano till låten. Axel och Nadja som är gamla gymnasiekompisar, båda med rötter i förorten Angered i Göteborg, delar en ömsesidig kärlek till båda genrerna. Så när låten repeterats tillräckligt, spelade de till sist tillsammans in den på Klangverket 2024.


Bland instrumenten på inspelningen kan man höra den elektriska rörorgeln, Organa 30 som lånades under Inspelningsvistelsen på Klangverket Music/Room. Hohner Organa var distribuerade i olika versioner mellan ca 1950 och 1970.

Låttexten är redigerad av "Gårdaprofilen", för att nå maximalt känslomässigt djup 2023, samt mixad av Nadja och Anneli Rosvall. Rosvall har också noggrant mastrat låten för att få fram djup i både text och bakgrundsinstrumentation.


Piano, Orgel, Coprod och Synthesizers: Axel Olsson

Lyric Edit: Gårdaprofilen (Fred Lindgren)

Mix, filmning och mastering: Anneli Sorkii Rosvall

Mix, produktion, sång, text, musik, inspelningsmaterial och smink: Nadja Itäsaari

Fler Nyheter:

Nadja gästade även nyligen Alex Erikssons (Khadavra, She Sees) Post Rock, Noise och improprojekt Lingua Nihil som denna gång manifesterade de 3 sista trumpeterna som utgör den yttersta domen i Uppenbarelseboken (Some heavy shit).

Medverkande: Alex Eriksson (trummor), Seb Sebsinsky Eriksson (elgitarr), Nadja Itäsaari (vocals percussions), Anneli Rosvall (noise), Nimme Teclesghi (bas), Per Stjern Lewis (elgitarr), Andreas Antonioni (blockflöjt)

Nadja Itäsaari - Känna Igen (Official Video)

Nadja Itäsaari - Känna Igen (Official Video)

Känna Igen (Feel Again) is a song about the fear of not feeling again – yet a balladlike hymn to cradle supressed emotions – and allow feelings. At some point in life it’s unavoidable to meet emotional turmoil and sadness. But I think that If we choose to accept, listen inside and feel what we really feel. Maybe say it or sing it out loud. We might, in an unknown point of time, find ourselves in the opposite of what we just felt. Those little or big moments makes a huge difference to us as beings on this earth. At least in the long run is what I believe. - Says Nadja Känna Igen (To Feel Again) is originally written by Nadja Itäsaari - remembering the feeling of what life felt like before her sobriety in 2020. She wrote the song as a blend of Swedish ”Visa” (a song with lyrics in focus) and classical RnB. Axel Olsson got the task in 2023 to write piano for the song, due to his primary love for both visa and old school RnB Music. Axel and Nadja, who also were classmates and has since remained friends since upper secondary school 2002-2005, both share a mutual love for both genres. So when the song was rehearsed enough, they singlehandedly recorded it at Klangverket in 2024. Amongst the instruments on the recording you can hear the Electric reed Organ, Organa 30 that they borrowed while recording at Klangverket Music/Room. The Hohner Organa were distributed in various versions between about 1950 and 1970. The lyrics are edited by Gårdaprofilen to reach maximal emotional depth in 2023. The song is mixed by Nadja and Anneli Rosvall. Rosvall has also carefully mastered the song to bring out depth in both lyrics and backing Instrumentation. Piano, Organ, Coprod and Synthesizers: Axel Olsson @Jad3dJane Lyric Edit: @gardaprofilen (Fred Lindgren) Mix, Filming and Mastering: Anneli Sorkii Rosvall Mix, production, vocals, lyrics, music, filming accompaniying material, video edit, and makeup: Nadja Itäsaari @nadjaitasaariofficial1111 Nadja Itäsaari is a songwriter, producer, poet and multi-artist based in Gothenburg. The vision is to create live experiences where the mix of music, poetry, performance art and moving image draws the audience into intense audiovisual landscapes with humor constantly present. Her biggest sources of inspiration are extreme weather, birdsong, animals/nature, imagination, art and human psychology. Sea and forest collide with everyday concrete house views. Homesite: Link to preferred social platform: ​​Lyrics: Tog på mig kostymen med hela natthimlen på om solens stålar skulle nå den var jag nog hemma igen, nattens tystnad, omkring min säng Efter allt dunder och brak Känns allt starkare Allt vackrare om en för en stund Tills att dagen den byts av till natt igen jag vaknar, här finns inga skratt här finns ingen vän I ensamheten känns nog tystnaden som svårast och den ekar, mellan väggar och alla tömda glas minns inte hur många, spelar ingen roll va? jag måste ta mig ut.. Tänk om jag aldrig får känna igen tänk om jag aldrig, aldrig Får känna nått igen Tänk om livet dom nämnde, bara var skuggor och regn Tänk om jag aldrig, aldrig får känna igen Får känna nått igen Dagen den vandrar, oh så dimmig och vag sen kommer natten, sen nästa dag Jag vaknar i tysthet. inga skratt här ingen vän tystnaden e nog svårast och den bor här i mitt hem mellan väggar och tak alla tömda glas och din vilja så slak Mina tankar som nålar, jag måste ta mig ut. Jag söker och söker ett avsked ett slut. Jag måste ta mig ut.. Tänk om jag aldrig får känna igen tänk om jag aldrig, aldrig får känna igen tänk om livet dom nämnde bara var skuggor och regn. Tänk om jag aldrig, aldrig får känna igen. får känna nått igen ©Nadja Itäsaari Productions 2024
Weeping Myself to Sleeping OFFICIAL Video - Nadja Itäsaari

Weeping Myself to Sleeping OFFICIAL Video - Nadja Itäsaari

Weeping Myself to Sleeping OFFICIAL Video is about a mermaids urge to celebrate your past self, the past self that made you who you are, however complex emotions surrounding the past self. Nadja Itäsaari creates Multiverses of music and arts, both on land and in fantasy. In this production she has been working with the textile artist Anna (other fish) Nygren @jackieocandy who has been creating fish textile art for over a year, to cope with her own past. Filming has been done by Anneli (the hermit crab) Rosvall @anneli.rosvall, who often fled into the fantasy of being a hermit crab when she was a child. Nadja herself has done a mermaid journey that almost got her to lose her voice in aiming for love on land. She successfully took her voice back in 2020 and is now left with legs with fish-like tendencies, having to learn how to swim in her fins again. She currently is a mermaid on dry land. Mastering has been done by: @johannestrosso8105 @vajberiet Bubble film filter has been filmed by: @voxrocks2 at the mermaid waters in Finland where Nadja was born. Music, Lyrics, Mix, Prod, Art & Makeup is done by: @nadjaitasaariofficial1111 @nadja_hi_artsandmedia Filming: @sorkiiiiiiiiii Textile Art by: Anna Nygren #mermaid #mermaidsong #mermaidvideo #mermaidmusic #depressionawareness #sobrietyawareness #sobriety #selflove #pastself #newmusic #indiemusic #popmusic #independentartist #indepaendetartistsweden #womeninthemix #musicproduction
Avbitartången - Nadja Itäsaari - OFFICIAL Video

Avbitartången - Nadja Itäsaari - OFFICIAL Video

Avbitartången - “The Cutting Pliers” "3/3-2023 Nadja Releases Single about Highly Sensitiveness or HSP – illustrated with a colourful Mermaid-quintet in New Music Video” The Multi Artist Nadja Itäsaari invites the eye and the senses to a Pastel Universe that highlights to the viewer what it can feel like living with HSP. With “Avbitartången '' Nadja Itäsaari wants to talk about High Sensitivity or HSP, with a lighthearted and humorous approach. HSP. Which means that one has the ability to feel others emotions, and that one is sensitive to different sorts of impressions, regarding the different bodily senses. “I remember that I started coping with my own HSP as a kid fleeing into different characters and fantasy universes. When I was 4:years old I got so taken by the movie The Little Mermaid and Ariel that I thought I had fin, so my mom had to carry me to my daycare early in the mornings because I couldn’t walk on land’, says Nadja who has chosen to work with four other mermaids in her music Video. With an almost frantic pace in an underwater world, Nadja tries to describe how everyday life filled with impressions can feel like for a Highly Sensitive Person. In the music production Nadja was inspired by the lyrics of "Octopus’s Garden" written by Ringo Starr in The Beatles, she was striving towards trying to create an underwater sound to further enhance the Utopia she thinks that both her and Ringo Starr may have had in common. "I'd Like to be, Under the se, in an Octopus's Garden in the shade" LISTENING: Nadja Itäsaari is a Songwriter, Artist, Producer based in Gothenburg Sweden. She has chosen to gather all of her different artist skills she has collected over the years under the collection concept of: DIY Multi Artist. You may recognise her from contexts like EQLovesFestival – a festival that lifts music producers outside of the norm, that she project lead in between 2019- 2021, Lecheburre Latin-flow – the multicultural latin flow band from Gothenburg, or as the Vocalist and Songwriter in the Progressive Indie Band A Cup of Coffee and a Lovesong aka ACOCAALS, active in between 2008-2017. At the same time since 2015, she has worked with her own solo project and released albums and singles. In November 2022 her self produced Video and Single to the song ”Neverending Solitude” - a remediation of the Wolfgang Peterson film classic ”Neverending Story” från 1984 - got over 20 000 views on YouTube! Link to Neverending Solitude: Production: Songwriter, Production, Artist, Mix: Nadja Itäsaari Audiovisual: Nadja Itäsaari Editing: Nadja Itäsaari Filming: Love Lidén @butterflyvision3084 Mastering: Melisha Linnell @powahrecords Bass: Georg Klint Participating Performers: Nadja Itäsaari, Linda Ågren, aka Athiraa the Real Mermaid, Louise Halvardsson, Marcus Malinda Lindmark and Malin Lindmark. Sociala media: YouTube: @nadjaitasaariofficial1111 Facebook: Nadja Itäsaari at Instagram: @nadja_itasaari More about the Mermaids in the Video, Who are they?: Linda Ågren aka @mermaid_athiraa a cosplay artist and real mermaid working as a mermaid, swimming in huge aquariums with fish, shark and all kinds of dangerous creatures. With her teacher background, she is also holding workshops in swimming with a fin, and has also written and illustrated a book in Swedish about ”The Mermaid in the Baltic Sea” - to educate children and adults in how to prevent pollution of our world seas. Louise Halvardsson figuring as ”Pink Punk Mermaid” in the video. She is an Author and Performance Artist and her debut came with the book ”Punkindustriell Hårdrockare med Attityd” or ”Punk Industrial Rocker With an Attitude” that won the Swedish Writers Union debutant price in 2007. Currently she is up to date with the book ”Vi är inte klara med varandra - Mormordikter” or ”We are not Finished with Each Other - Grandma Poems”, that also is premiering as a Theatre play at Esperantoscenen in Gothenburg in May. Homesite: Instagram: @lou_halvardsson Facebook: Louise Halvardsson Poet Malin Lindmark is figuring as “Sunfeather Rainbow Mermaid”. Malin is a teacher, author and a poet who has released the biography “Åren som Försvann” - The Lost Years, which is a book about getting out of a psychosis. It is also a book thats raising Criticism of Society and its norms around Mental Illnesses. Homesite: Marcus Malinda Lindmark - dancer, writer, actor, game designer and media teacher - figuring as ”Lovie Dovie the Fork-Maid” - more known from ”Trans:IT” - a comic magazine Malinda projekt lead, in which many comic writers has co. Written Marcus Malindas journey to the understanding of their own Trans Identity. Hemsida:
Neverending Solitude - Nadja Itäsaari

Neverending Solitude - Nadja Itäsaari

Neverending Solitude - Nadja Itäsaari Maybe everything’s end, could be a new beginning? ”Neverending Solitude” is about the individuals need for solitude to be able to heal from unhealed scars, especially after suffering from Co. Dependency issues caused by abusive - or in other ways harmful relationships. In the motion picture Neverending Story from 1984 written by Wolfgang Petersen, a little boy gets the mission to save the world on his shoulders, like having to compete tasks as: wandering through the swamps of sadness, losing loved ones, face the fear detecting sphinxes lazerbeam eyes - while the world itself is dissipating into a big nothingness. Much like in real life - In the end we don’t reach any answers. But maybe everything’s end, could be a new beginning? Life offers many life and death scenarios, just like the children's movie Neverending Story tells us about, It witholds many metaphors of real life which I have been inspired by during the making of this musical production, video and album cover. that’s why Nadja chose to exhibit bits from the movie as a remediation in the upcoming video as an homage to the original motion picture, witch was one of my favourite movies as a kid. Mystically both Markus Göransson and Johannes Trossö as the producer duo Fillobill Vajberiet in Gothenburg - joining in on electrical guitar melodies, bass and drums - had also been deeply touched by the movie when they were kids, which can be heard in the magic of the drums mimicking the slow - yet determined walk through the swamps, and in the bass/electrical guitars - guiding the drums out of the swamps of sadness. The above mentioned parts is produced by Markus Göransson. The song is mixed by Nadja Itäsaari and Markus Göransson at Vajberiet and Mastered at @Powahstudio by Melisha ❤️💜💚💙🧡💛❤️💜💚💙🧡💛❤️🧡 You can listen to the song here on any of your preferred socilal platform: ❤️🧡💚💙💜💛❤️🧡💚💙💜💛❤️🧡 #neverendingstory #trauma #healing #nadja_itäsaari #nadja_hi_artsandmedia #solitude #newbeginnings #womeninthemix #remediation Lyrics: It´s funny how now all i did in life, It seems. How you put those scars under my skin and in my heart. Perhaps enough for me for now?... at least till times of sorrows mourned... Its funny how I seem all healed that even I forget the feel..of all the shivers that you've caused without a word nor reaching out dismissing me out of your life But still it sometimes bursts in me the nights so long these lonely fears is singing songs bout long lost love to feel enough to leave the scars! The mending powers Of my Solitude is good enough for me It must be so, it must be so. Its funny how mystique it seems romantics hand I´ve always reached and his, naked skin and his unhealed scars with mending powers healing wars at least for moments back in time the light it reached his skin the blindness caused in cracking walls... But who am I forgot bout me Not feeling enough these long run fears I've run these acres of this earth and it thrashed my knees and it burnt self worth The mending powers Of my Solitude, solitude, my solitude! is good enough for... is good enough for me Music, Lyrics, Acoustic/Electric Guitar, Vocals, Production, Co Production, Mixing, Filming&Editing: Nadja Itäsaari @Powahstudio 2022 Electric Guitar melodies, Bass, Co Production & Mixing: Markus Göransson @Vajberiet 2022 Drums: Jojje Music @ Vajberiet 2022 Filmed & Mastered by: Melisha Linnell @Powahstudio 2022 REMEDIATION OF THE MOTION PICTURE The Neverending Story, By: Wolfgang Petersen 1984 By: Nadja Itäsaari Productions 2022
Tramride With Voldemort - Nadja Itäsaari [OFFICIAL]

Tramride With Voldemort - Nadja Itäsaari [OFFICIAL]

Tramride with Voldemort - a song and video about daring to face ones fears in everyday life. Link to all streaming services: Tramride with Voldemort - about fears of running into one's past - sprung from a voice memo that Nadja recorded on her phone in 2018. Little did she know at the time that the song's meaning for herself would turn out to be a big part of her personal trauma processing. The song is a fragmentary indie and singer songwriter ballad, and moves in a landscape on a tram ride in Gothenburg. - I have also thought about translating the song into Swedish, then the title would be: "tram ride with idiots"(Spårvagnsfärd med Idioter), laughs Nadja and tells. Lyricvideo: For many years, I have been afraid of running into my past, and I have been afraid of running into people on, for example, trams that I, for various reasons, do not want to deal with. When I decided work further with the song to release it, I realized that fear is very much about myself, and that with fear I can create more fear by feeding my own fear. Therefore, I chose to consciously go in and work on this, because the feeling has been haunting me for many years. I thought "what am I really afraid of, is it myself or the others?"... Nadja Itäsaari as a solo artist has been active and released albums and singles since 2015's debut album "Songs From the Woods of Inner Mind" with names such as: Thea Åslund and swedish Manifest prize winner of Singer Songwriter of the year 2018, Jonathan Hilli. Over the years, Nadja's multi-tasking has lead her to not being able to stick to ”just making music”. Since 2020, she has started with a new concept, and decided to switch to being Multiartist full-time releasing singles in audovisual landscapes, producing mostly everything herself. The song and the video is recorded, written and produced by Nadja Itäsaari @powahstudio in Brewhouse 2022, Released 11/11-2023 Facebook: Instagram Artist Profile: Instagram Arts profile: TikTok: @nadjaitasaariofficial Mastered by Melisha Linnell @powahstudio. The video is filmed by Rachel Komparou Figuring as Voldemort: Jack White Gårdstedt. On Organ, Filming and figuring in video: Axel Jane
TURTLESHELL - Nadja Itäsaari & Fillobill (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

TURTLESHELL - Nadja Itäsaari & Fillobill (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

This is the Official Video of TURTLESHELL. It´s a catchy Indierock tune, but also a homage to all my EX Relations with Human Turtles, especially lyric wise. We have all written this song equally Me @nadjaitasaariofficial1111 and Markus Göranson and Johannes Trossö. It has taken a while for this song, concept and video to emerge from it's own shell. Not because it took us long to write it, but because of the pandemic and the fact that I am a Night owl living on my own, and Markus an Jojje having families to attend to. So time schedules has really been the main thing making this shy Turtle to emerge. Link to your preferred Streaming Channel: We hope you like it, and we would love it if you'd like to comment, add it to your playlists or share it. I personally hope this song is going to encourage all the women out there staying in toxic relationship patterns - to break free and listen to your own needs. This lyric came straight from my heart ❤️🫀🐢 - at the time I didn't listen, therefore this frustration: Lyrics (@nadjaitasaariofficial1111 ): Turtle Shell I wish i told you once I wish i told you twice The things you do my dear they make me paralysed I guess I’ve been here twice Yes quite too many times My words get tangled up They’re squashed down deep inside But I, yes i wish that i could tell you That I, when you get stuck in you turtle shell I feel unseen And I, I guess these feelings are taking over my logic parts Yes I, I am a woman dear just listen to me fill up my needs I’ve been trying once I’ve been trying twice Your ears shut off, your mind is not here not right now I’ve been here more than once More times than i could count Taken for granted feeling buried yet alive I think i told you once I think i told you twice Your shells too thick Your sending inconsistent signs But I, yes i wish that i could tell you That I, when you get stuck in you turtle shell I feel unseen And I, i guess these feelings are too much to handle, yes even for me Yes I, I am a woman dear just listen to me, yes give and receive I’m swimming in this ocean of serendipity You swimming next to me Your silence feels like a threat to me But I, yes i wish that i could tell you That I, when you get stuck in you turtle shell I feel unseen And I, I guess these feelings are too much to handle, yes even for me Yes I, I am a woman dear just listen to me, fill up my needs Nadja Itäsaari: Co.Production, Songwriting, Vocals, Choirs, Video Filming and Editing @nadjaitasaariofficial1111 Instagram Music: Instagram Arts and Media: Markus Göranson : Mix, Songwriting, Production, Guitars, Bass, Choirs Instagram: Johannes Trossö: Songwriting, Drums and Mastering Instagram: Recorded at Vajberiet Studio at Rambergs Kyrkan in Gothenburg Sweden: Instagram: Homesite:
Röken&Elden - the smoke and the fire - Nadja Itäsaari OFFICIAL Video

Röken&Elden - the smoke and the fire - Nadja Itäsaari OFFICIAL Video

Röken och Elden - the smoke and the fire An invite from me to you to just take 5: minutes to feel into the depth of your actual feelings. Have you been feeling tired without knowing why? Sad, anxious or maybe stressed or aloof? Allow yourself to follow the music and reach your subconscious mind, and release the burden. Link to your preferred Streaming Channel: Filming: Anneli Sorkii Rosvall Music, Lyrics, Production, Mix, Filming, Editing: Nadja Itäsaari Productions 2024 Mastering: Johannes Trossö @vajberiet @thesoundofjohannes Lyric/Mantra (Nadja Itäsaari): Med röken släpper sorgen med askan släpper rädslan Med röken släpper osäkerheten. Jag är hel jag är hel jag är hel Jag är min egen kraft. ____________________________________________ The smoke releasing sorrow the ashes releasing fear The smoke releasing incertitude. I am whole I am whole I am whole I am my own power. #newmusic #newmusicvideo #newmusicrelaease #meditationmusic #indiemusic #newmusicvideorelease #rökenochelden #thesmokeandthefire #subconciousmid My social channels, Feel Free to Subscribe and Follow my journey: YouTube: @nadjaitasaariofficial1111 Spotify: Facebook Artist: Instagram Artist/Music: Instagram Arts and Media: TikTok:

2024 Nadja Itäsaari Productions

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